
Our Summer Holiday Mini Bundle is on Pre-sale Now

Keep kids moving towards their therapeutic goals this summer with our brand new OT developed program

About the Summer Holidays Mini Bundle

The Summer Holidays are all about fun and freedom. Our newest program capitalises on the playful vibes of the holidays to provide a summer filled to the brim with skill-building through play...

The specially developed Summer Holidays OT at Home program has been specifically designed to use the holiday period in the best way possible. With 5 different project modules, this unique program provides a well-rounded schedule of activities that will build skills and challenge children - as well as keeping them engaged.

It’s also a great way to add some structure to a typically disruptive (and potentially stressful) period!

The Summer Holidays Mini Bundle:

  • Develops daily habits for self-management and emotional resilience.
  • Improves independence in creating and managing healthy daily routines during periods of disruption.
  • Encourages play in nature to build on gross motor skills and motor planning, organising and sequencing skills.
  • Develops executive function, including planning, organising and sequencing.
  • Increases ability to follow instructions and maintain attention.
  • Develops fine motor skills through cutting, threading, twisting and folding.
  • Develops kitchen skills such as using a knife safety and hygiene skills.
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Key Goals & Benefits

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Develop self-care and emotional resilience

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Develop executive function, including planning, organising and sequencing

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Improve confidence and resilience to change and disruption

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Develop safety and hygiene skills

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Increase ability to follow instructions & maintain attention

Program Inclusions

The Summer Holidays Program is designed to keep children engaged and building their skills all summer long. That’s why we created the program with variety in mind…

The mini-bundle style program comes with 5 different programs that are each designed to develop skills through a variety of activity styles.

Movement Project 
Children have the opportunity to get their bodies moving by building and testing their own obstacle courses. Excellent for strength and endurance building, improving focus and developing executive function.

Outdoor Play Project
Embrace the warm weather and get outdoors to enjoy this water-based project. A great way to reap the health benefits of being outdoors whilst building on gross and fine motor skills. Plus, it’s a great sensory experience too. 

 Mindset and Wellbeing Project
Take a break from the summer sun and head inside for wellness journaling. Designed to help children build emotional resilience, understand the importance of self-care and develop healthy habits.

Holiday Cooking Project
Get the kids in the kitchen to cook up some summer recipes for the whole family. Not only does this project develop safety and hygiene skills, it is an excellent way to improve your child’s ability to follow instructions. It also provides a great foundation for developing a healthy relationship with food.

Holiday Creative Project
Creativity is so crucial to cognitive development which is why this project is designed to spark creativity and imagination in children. The activities found in this part of the bundle are excellent for regulation emotion, building focus and improving ability to follow instructions.


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